Friday, June 19, 2009

Sarah's Pecan Pie

I just finished reading the "THESE IS MY WORDS" trilogy. It was so good! The main character is ALWAYS whipping up stuff in her kitchen for her family and ranch-hands. I thought it was so appropriate at the very end to have a recipe for Pecan Pie (some of her family owned a pecan farm). Since Paul loves pecan pie, I decided to make it for Father's Day. It was DELICIOUS! I ended up just buying the pre-made, refrigerated pie crust at the store but here is the filling recipe:

4 Large Eggs
1 Cup Sugar
1 big pinch salt (about 1/8 teaspoon)
2 tablespoons butter, melted, cooled slightly
2 teaspoons vanilla
1/2 cup Light Karo syrup
1/2 cup Dark Karo syrup
1/2 cup clear maple syrup (mine wasn't clear)
2 1/2 cups shelled pecan halves, do not chop

*Don't substitute artificial sweetener, vanilla, margarine, or anything else that's not the real thing!

Beat eggs lightly in a big bowl. Stir in sugar and salt, butter and vanilla. Blend well. Then add all three syrups and mix well. Put pecans in and stir. Pour into crust and bake for about an hour and 350 degrees.
After 55 minutes, start checking for doneness. Slide a table knife into the syrup mixture an inch from the edge. When it pulls out clean, pie is finished. Let cool slowly; the center will finish cooking on the table. Good served warm with vanilla ice cream.

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